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Meet Kristy Malik: the fearless writer and speaker who doesn't shy away from the tough stuff. With a no-holds-barred approach to life's messiest moments, she's the queen of tackling taboo topics, from healing after hardship to figuring out how to live as a Catholic woman in today's society without losing who you are.  Kristy's talks are a mix of hard truths and hearty laughs, proving that authenticity is her superpower—and possibly her favorite "A" word. She's like the cool aunt who can quote Scripture and knows the best memes, making her the life of any spiritual shindig.

Kristy has been Catholic since the cradle, but don't let that fool you—she's had more reboots than your grandma's computer, with a heart conversion in 2011 that could rival any rom-com makeover. 

She's been featured on the 'Embrace: Catholic Moms Conference' in 2011, on the Youtube series "Truth with Handles: The Conversation," as well as various events in the DC area (and beyond!)

At home, Kristy is less "domestic goddess" and more "chaos coordinator," navigating everything from kindergarten crafts to teen drama. She's the kind of mom who uses her teen's lingo (often incorrectly, to the delight of her audience), and partners in crime with her husband—the guy she's been laughing with since their awkward teen years. Together, they're figuring out this wild ride of parenting, one epic family game night and a few 'why did we do this again?' moments at a time. Kristy's all about embracing the beautiful chaos of each stage, armed with a sense of humor and the occasional cry for help, all while loving the unique challenges and joys that each age brings. Her life may not be picture-perfect, but it's filled with love, laughter, and the occasional mystery stain.

Bombarded with "When's the book coming?" more times than she's been called "bruh" by her kids, she's diving in—clueless but driven, aiming to ensure no woman feels alone on her journey. She's on it!


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Kristy Malik creates custom talks for her clients and has delivered talks on the following topics:

Strength in Numbers

No matter how many followers you have online, studies show that today’s women are more lonely and depressed than ever before. How is this possible since we are seemingly always “connected” to other people? Learn about God’s design for friendship and community and how to cultivate it in your own life!

Door of Hope

God desires healing and restoration for all of us. Wherever life has taken you, no matter the choices you have made or what burdens are on your heart, you are never disqualified from God’s healing grace. In Scripture, God promises a door of hope to all who are in need. Learn how to recognize this opportunity for restoration and embrace the life God desires for you as Kristy shares her personal journey of healing.

Getting Comfortable in the Stable: Preparing our Hearts for Christmas

Rediscover the true essence of Advent. Join Kristy as she shares how to embrace the simplicity of the stable where God came close, and transform this festive season into a journey of genuine spiritual richness. Come away with a renewed spirit, fully prepared to celebrate the birth of Christ with a heart full of His love and peace.

Following in His Footsteps: A Lenten Walk in the Wilderness

Desiring the "best Lent ever" can sometimes lead to ambitious goals that leave us weary by Easter. This season, let's shift our focus from perfection to progress with intention. Dive into the scriptural roots of Lent and uncover how Jesus guides us in the wilderness to truly enrich these 40 days. With Him, learn to traverse this sacred time not with strain, but with strides toward growth and understanding. Emerge from the wilderness refreshed, closer to Jesus, and ready to celebrate Easter with a spirit reborn.


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